Central Join India in Saudi Arabia to Discuss Russia-Ukraine Conflict

2 min read

India, after attending a meeting on Ukraine in Copenhagen over a month ago, will now participate in another meeting in Saudi Arabia on August 5 and 6 to discuss the Russia-Ukraine conflict and ways to end the 17-month war.

Hosted by Saudi Arabia, the meeting is an initiative by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to mediate and resolve the dispute that began in February last year.

In May, MBS invited Ukraine’s President to an Arab States summit where the Ukrainian leader called for support against Russia. The Ministry of External Affairs confirmed India’s participation in the upcoming meeting in Jeddah, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and diplomacy.

While the Indian attendees are not specified, sources indicate it will be at the official level, similar to the representation at the previous Copenhagen meeting. Approximately 30 countries have been invited to the summit, with Ukraine confirmed to attend and Russia absent. Notable participants are expected to include US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

The invitees for the Jeddah summit encompass various nations, including Brazil, South Africa, Chile, Egypt, the European Union, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Zambia.

Ukraine’s plan for peace focuses on the withdrawal of Russian troops, prisoner release, territorial integrity restoration, and security guarantees. The plan aims to hold Russia accountable for war atrocities and demands the surrender of captured Ukrainian territory and payment of damages.

Russia has previously rejected the plan, with Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov stating that Russia will monitor the meeting to understand the goals set. The US State Department expressed support for the talks in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing the importance of direct communication with Ukraine regarding peace terms.

While India has not condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine explicitly, it advocates for a peaceful resolution through dialogue and diplomacy. Prime Minister Modi has affirmed India’s readiness to contribute to resolving the conflict peacefully.

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