EX Webtrading:The Basics of VC Fund Allocation and Its Key Types

Venture Capital Fund Distributions: A Comprehensive Overview

Venture capital fund distributions are the disbursement of cash or securities from a VC fund to its investors, aimed at providing them with returns on their investment. These distributions can take various forms, including a return of capital or a share of profits.

Process of Venture Capital Fund Distribution:

– Typically managed by the fund’s general partner.

– Occurs periodically, often quarterly or annually.

– Investors receive distributions once the fund exits its ownership position in portfolio companies, known as a liquidity event.

Major Kinds of VC Fund Distributions:

1. Deal-by-Deal Distribution Waterfall Model:

   – Calculates distributions separately for each investment.

   – Becoming rare, with many incorporating a “whole fund” clawback provision.

2. Return of Capital Contributions:

   – Ensures LPs receive distributions equal to their contributions before GP.

   – 80% of distributions go to LPs, 20% to GP.

3. Catch-Up Tranche:

   – GP receives subsequent distributions after LPs’ capital contributions are returned.

   – Once GP reaches a threshold, distributions split 80/20 between LPs and GP.

4. Private Equity Waterfall:

   – Addresses timing disadvantages for GP but may create perverse incentives.

   – Shifts in GP’s share of distributions at critical points.

5. Split Distributions:

   – Divides available amount into “return of capital” and “profit” components.

   – 80% of profits go to LPs, 20% to GP.

6. Net Asset Value:

   – GP entitled to 20% of each distribution based on fund’s net asset value.

7. Slice Distributions:

   – Aligns GP’s interests with fund’s success but may lead to distribution delays.

Whole Fund Distribution Waterfall Model:

– Delays distribution of profits to GP until LPs receive total capital contributions and preferred returns.

– Benefits investors by prioritizing return of capital before GP shares in profits.

Hybrid Distribution Model:

– Combines deal-by-deal and whole fund models.

– Distributes returns based on specific triggers or thresholds.


VC fund distribution is a complex process aiming to provide investors with returns on their investment in startups. Understanding various mechanisms and models allows investors to optimize participation and maximize returns. It’s crucial for investors to grasp these distributions when navigating the venture capital landscape.

Summary of Key Concepts:

– VC fund distributions involve disbursement of cash or securities to investors.

– Managed by the fund’s general partner and occur periodically.

– Various distribution models and mechanisms exist, each with its own characteristics and nuances.

– Investors can choose optimal participation scenarios to maximize returns.

– General partners actively manage the fund, while limited partners invest money in return for shares.

– Distributions can be in the form of cash or securities, such as stocks or bonds.

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